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The Faculty of Science provides the intellectual nucleus around which the academic life of the university revolves. The faculty emphasizes a curriculum that strives to help our students understand the impact of science and mathematics on society and the interdependence of all people.

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Faculty of Science | MSU
Excited about your future in science?

Uncover your passions with a wide variety of subjects we offer at the Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University.

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Faculty of Science | MSU

We are doing research covering various areas and expertise from basic to applied sciences, and frontier to innovation researches. We are home to twenty-one research units at the heart of discovery.

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Welcome to the Faculty of Science | Mahasarakham University | SCIMSU !

Whether you’re a curious student embarking on your scientific journey or a seasoned researcher seeking to push the boundaries of knowledge,
SCIMSU offers the perfect environment to thrive. Explore our diverse programs, cutting-edge facilities, and collaborative research opportunities.
We invite you to join us in shaping a brighter future through the power of science!


Faculty Directory

Why Choose ?
The world needs curious minds like yours! Science is a journey of exploration, discovery, and endless possibilities.
Join us and embark on your scientific adventure at SCIMSU! Here’s why science is the perfect adventure for you:
Exploration & Discovery

From the tiniest atoms to the vast expanse of space, science offers a lens to understand the world around you.

Become a Problem-Solver

Develop critical thinking and analytical abilities to tackle global challenges, from climate change to disease prevention.

Fueling Innovation

Be part of the progress! Science drives advancements in all fields, shaping a better future.

Unlock your Creativity

Science isn't just facts - it's about asking questions, experimenting, and pushing boundaries.

Shape the Future

Your scientific expertise can make a lasting impact on society. Choose science and be part of the solution!

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Research at SCIMSU

Pushing Boundaries, Solving Challenges: Join Our Journey of Scientific Discovery

Our Faculty of Science is a vibrant hub of research activity, where dedicated scientists delve into a comprehensive range of disciplines. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, tackling real-world challenges, and fostering a sustainable future through innovative research endeavors.

Research Areas

At SCIMSU, we house twenty-two specialized research units, each dedicated to advancing knowledge and driving groundbreaking discoveries within their respective fields.

Our Publications

Stay at the forefront of scientific discovery! Browse our publications database to explore the latest research articles, conference proceedings, and books authored by SCIMSU faculty and researchers.

Collaborative Spirit

At SCIMSU, we believe that groundbreaking discoveries often emerge from collaboration. We actively forge partnerships.

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